Ocean gravity

Directed by Guillaume Néry & Julie Gautier

With Guillaume Néry

Produced by Bluenery

«Switch off the light» Put on your headphones Enjoy
Guillaume Nery
Author – Director – Character

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Julie Gautier
Author - Director – submarine apnoea cameraman

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The Glitch Mob

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Y AKA Plongée Rangiroa
Logistical support

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Arthur Paux
Post-production - Colour grading

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Making off

Guillaume: «Just like in Free Fall, the location is the starting point of the project. A dive in the Tiputa Pass in Rangiroa, in the Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia)… and suddenly, I have this idea: to use the strong current during the rising tide to create the visual effect of a body in orbit around a star. The idea was launched and became an obsession. We had to come back at the end of our great journey to Polynesia to shoot this movie. Thanks to the support of the diving club Y AKA Plongée Rangiroa, we needed 3 half-days to film all the images.»

Julie: «I decided to film without considering the elementary framing rules. I was no longer limited by the idea of top and bottom, like in space. In those conditions, I was able to create the natural illusion of a curved planet. The big challenge was to avoid filming the abundant sea life (sharks, dolphins and numerous fish) to maintain a spatial and non-marine atmosphere».